I had a Mac last year, and I am reading both from Chinese (z.cn) and American Amazon, so I installed the Mac version of kindle on my Mac, so I could read on my computer instead of holding on to kindle at work. It worked fine roughly a year ago, until recently. This is how it happened, first I thought it was a login problem. Because I switch frequently from Chinese and US amazon, I know the server of CHN is not that stable, so I never used this APP to read any Chinese books. But I could open up my local Chinese book and read from there. I only login in to my US account to read. So I was really happy using this. There was one time, I just purchased a new Chinese book, and I wanted to take a look at, so I decided to risk it. And it froze for like forever!! So I force quit it, and trying to login back in my US account, froze. Then I just give up, I just want to read offline, do not login into any kind of amazon account, still froze. I even tried several times to install and uninstall it. No luck! They haven’t provided a new version of this APP since 2016. I think the problem occured when the latest version was out (Oct, 2015), and it automatically updated. Now that this APP DOES NOT WORK for anything! So if anyone wants to read off from your Mac, no way using this app.